Our health isn’t just physical.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, one main target issue which has been avoided throughout each press conference has been young peoples downward spiralling mental health. Not only has the constant fear of this virus been integrated into the minds of vulnerable, young people, but their daily lives and interactions have been taken away from them leaving them alone with their own minds and toxic thoughts. These long-term effects are just as damaging as the impacts of the virus. Across a ten year period, the rate of death by suicide in people from 10-24 years old has increased by 57.4%. One main issue which has impacted this statistic is the decrease in intimate interactions. Physical, social situations are something that we all crave and without this the rate of suicide will continue to rise. There’s been minimal efforts in saving the future generations lives and focus on saving the vulnerable. It’s essential for us to find a balance.

Not only have suicide rates been effected, but due to the fear which we’ve been injected with, anxiety has become the centre of many peoples worlds. Education caused anxiety for many people prior to this, myself included, but having zero reassurance on what is really going on and feeling like we’re being hidden from the truth, decreases motivation and increases the physical and mental stress on our bodies. Hours before that one lesson, our lungs start to tighten and breathing no longer feels automatic, our minds spiral into what if. What if something goes wrong? What if I make a mistake? Our older peers would respond to this with, what’s the worst that can happen? But the problem is, we don’t know anymore. What really is the worst that can happen?

As a young person myself, I feel the effects, I need a resolution.




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