Fixing the education crisis

Personally, I don’t believe that the government has done the best it could have to ease this difficult time. In my opinion when the first lockdown began it should have been more restricted and people should have taken it seriously. The virus would not be over but there would have been a reduction in casesContinue reading “Fixing the education crisis”

It is time to legalise marijuana, and possibly other illicit drugs.

This is not a particularly new idea, but it is not one that has been taken particularly seriously in this country. However, I believe the pandemic has now presented us with a situation that means we can no longer ignore it. If we’re wondering how to create money from nowhere and make up the economicContinue reading “It is time to legalise marijuana, and possibly other illicit drugs.”

Impact on the lower class

In the ideas following they are solutions to the problems presented. It also includes other solutions that would have aided the social issue of the lower class before the COVID-19 pandemic and that now can aid them be more financially stable during and after the pandemic. In terms of temporary solutions, food vouchers being usedContinue reading “Impact on the lower class”

We could end the backlog by applying open data to the justice system

A frequent saying among jurists is that “justice should not only be done, but be seen to be done”. This saying comes from a decision handed down by Lord Chief Justice Hewart in R v Sussex Justices ex parte McCarthy ([1924] 1 KB 256, [1923] All ER Rep 233). This is often taken to meanContinue reading “We could end the backlog by applying open data to the justice system”

Embedding continuous improvement into the ethos of public service.

The notion of continuous improvement has been applied in UK manufacturing since the early 1980’s. More recently, we have seen a similar philosophy come to life in the UK commercial services sector. The digitisation of public services is a powerful stride in the right direction by our public sector. The culture and ethos needs braveContinue reading “Embedding continuous improvement into the ethos of public service.”

Security of Critical Supplies

For all critical products used by public bodies, including arm’s length organisations, the government should insist a certain minimum percentage of normal requirement be produced in the UK (let’s say 20%) and the production facilities involved be capable of rapid upscaling. In the case that procurement costs are increased as a result those bodies impactedContinue reading “Security of Critical Supplies”

Replace unemployment benefits with a Basic Income

Under the current system of unemployment benefits it costs a lot of money in administration costs to pay for staff and buildings all over the country. As we have seen with the pandemic throughout most of 2020, requiring claimants to attend the job centre is not necessary. We should replace unemployment benefits with a BasicContinue reading “Replace unemployment benefits with a Basic Income”

Expanding the role of the Fire Service by administering vaccinations

There are approximately, 32,000 whole- time Firefighters currently employed in the UK. The majority of which hold basic first aid qualifications, with many holding further medical competencies, they have the skills, the ‘can do’ attitude, together with the resources (there are approx 1400 Fire Stations in England alone). Whilst they have a major role inContinue reading “Expanding the role of the Fire Service by administering vaccinations”

A strategy to tackle the obesity epidemic (as highlighted in 1b)

Tackling obesity is the biggest challenge facing this country. Obesity rates have soared in the last 40 years resulting in misery for millions and damage to our economy caused by a sicker workforce. Obesity is adding to the strain of an already overstretched NHS. Many experts agree that the problem is multi-factorial and complex. IContinue reading “A strategy to tackle the obesity epidemic (as highlighted in 1b)”